Sustainability Report 2022

Pillar 3 : The community



Kudos to all our teams for showing inspirational commitment and solidarity.

Arval Morocco has donated a utility vehicle to SOS Children’s Villages Dar Bouazza to help transport children to school and other activities.

Arval Czech Republic has stepped up to help the town and the castle of Třešť, in need of maintenance and care.

Employees from Arval Chile have come together to prepare snacks for local children from poorer backgrounds before spending time with them during a fun afternoon.

Arval Finland participated in a Christmas tree charity programme dedicated to underprivileged children. The team also supported a bike team that cycled from Finland to Paris to raise money for critically ill children.

In 2022, BNP Paribas celebrates 75 years of presence in Germany. To mark this occasion, the local Germany sustainability team has launched the «75 years BNP Paribas in Germany - 75 corporate volunteering events» initiative.

Arval Greece has joined forces with its neighbour Unilever in a blood donation programme.

Volunteers from Arval Hungary spent several hours together cleaning up a charming park close to the Arval offices.

Greenval Ireland organised a volunteering day with charity partner Barrestown. Tasks included painting, gardening, cleaning, maintenance tasks and planting a symbolic tree to complete the event.

La Mobilità si fa in 4 is a sustainability educational project for primary schools, born from the will of Arval Italy to raise awareness on innovative, eco-friendly, safe, connected, and shared mobility and lifestyles in the local communities.

Arval Portugal has joined JRS (Jesuit Refugee Service) to create training courses for refugees in Portugal. Its goal is to support up to 225 refugees over the next three years. The local entity also supports Associação Salvador to promote the integration of physically disabled people in society.

Through its partnership with Svetielko nádeje & MŠ, Arval Slovakia has supported people suffering from mental disabilities since 2014. The local entity has also donated a vehicle for doctors caring in a local children’s hospice.

Arval Spain regularly organises donations and volunteering events for local NGOs, including the Ecomar Foundation bringing employees together for beach clean-ups.

Clothing donations, get-togethers with elderly people, karaoke nights with people with disabilities, Arval Switzerland solidarity initiatives are aplenty, a testament to the commitment of their local team.

For every customer satisfaction survey answered by customers, Arval Turkey makes a donation to the Turkish Education Foundation.

Arval UK has donated two fully electric vans to a local hospice charity partner. It also supports Brake, a charity partner dedicated to making roads safe for all. Employees are also involved in several inspirational volunteering activities.



Barbara Feaugas, Business Development Manager at Arval International Business Office, shares her experience as a volunteer at Nanterre Social Grocery Store as part of the 1MillionHours2Help programme.

What would you say to an Arval colleague who would like to help?

Beyond being useful, it’s a great way to connect with people. Everyone can bring value to the organisation, whatever the skillset. From cash desk work to helping families with their administrative needs, there are many ways to make a positive impact locally. There is more happiness in giving than in receiving!



Since the very start of the conflict in Ukraine, Arval has been mobilised to help the local population, in every way possible.

_Financial donations: Arval Hungary, Arval Poland and Arval Romania have organised fundraisers at company level to support active NGOs such as the Red Cross.

_Material donations: collections of food, baby and sanitary products has been organised across several Arval entities. Arval Hungary, Arval Luxembourg, Arval Poland, Arval Headquarters, and Arval Romania have also provided vehicles for NGOs (SOS Group, Red Cross, etc.) and to help with food and essential goods effort.

Arval would also like to thank to its many employees who have given time and energy to support the delivery of goods and the hosting in their houses Ukrainian refugees.

“In France, in the city of Rueil Malmaison, we teamed up with local authorities to organise the collection of goods from food to clothing items. 24 employees participated alongside other volunteers from the local council. Teaming up with local communities essential is not only possible, but vital to give added strength to our solidarity actions.”
Anne-Hélène Lamèthe-Avril Communication and Engagement Director at Arval France