Sustainability Report 2022

Pillar 1 : The economy



Actions Key Performance Indicators 2022 progress 2025 target SDGs(1)
Sustainable mobility offers (car sharing, MaaS* app, car leasing, etc.)

Sustainable mobility offers (car sharing, MaaS* app, car leasing, etc.)

Key Performance Indicators

Countries deploying MaaS app

Sustainable mobility offers (car sharing, MaaS* app, car leasing, etc.)

2022 progress

France, Germany, The Netherlands, Belgium

Sustainable mobility offers (car sharing, MaaS* app, car leasing, etc.)

2025 target

France, Germany, The Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, Poland, Spain, UK

Sustainable mobility offers (car sharing, MaaS* app, car leasing, etc.)



11. Sustainable cities and communities

11. Sustainable cities and communities


Countries deploying e‑bikes

Key Performance Indicators

Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Switzerland, UK

2022 progress

Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Switzerland, UK, Greece, Nordics, Portugal


Countries deploying car sharing

Key Performance Indicators

Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Italy, The Netherlands, Poland, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland

2022 progress

Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Italy, The Netherlands, Poland, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland, Brazil, Germany, Nordics, Portugal, UK

SMaRT** approach to support our clients in their energy transition

SMaRT** approach to support our clients in their energy transition

Key Performance Indicators

Number of SMaRT missions conducted by Arval (both at country level and internationally)

SMaRT** approach to support our clients in their energy transition

2022 progress


SMaRT** approach to support our clients in their energy transition

2025 target


(1) SDG N°11: Sustainable cities and communities

*Mobility as a Service;

**SMaRT : Sustainable Mobility and Responsibility Targets



In October 2022, we were proud to share some of our most innovative solutions with the visitors of the Paris World Motor Show: our self-driven electric shuttle – operating in Rueil-Malmaison – was the star of the show. The public was invited to try our Arval Mobility App and experience our road safety training programme, developed with virtual reality technology. Two start-ups, Instant System and Ridecell, specialists in digitising mobility services, shared our stand during the event.

Amélie Phelip Mobility Director of Arval Group

Arval strives to support companies in a way that makes mobility an asset.

What are the main levers to successfully make decarbonised mobility an asset for companies?

Our Arval Mobility Observatory annual barometer shows that 79% of European companies have already implemented or plan to implement mobility solutions in the next three years, not as a replacement but as a complement to existing ones. Naturally, cost control is a central question. Cost optimisation is based on tax-deductible solutions or solutions that make substantial savings on taxi costs or reimbursed mileage allowances. The car-sharing solutions already implemented by Arval France customers have saved up to 30% on total mobility costs.

What other concerns?

The micro-mobility revolution raises urban safety issues. Providing companies with bicycles, scooters, or mopeds is only possible with the appropriate infrastructure. All services offered by Arval come with relevant insurance policies, safety kits (helmets, waistcoats, etc.), and road safety training.

Does the multiplication of mobility services imply more administrative work?

Enhancing fleet management is paramount. Digital MaaS* solutions that integrate mobility budgets and are connected to Human Ressources interfaces or financial systems make the whole strategy more valuable and appealing. MaaS is also vital to make the experience swifter for users, booking journeys and accessing means of transportation in just a couple of clicks.

How is Arval ideally placed to drive the sustainable mobility transformation?

Our approach is designed to make mobility an undeniable opportunity for all companies committed to their employees. We take into account all their concerns. Our ability to diagnose each customer’s unique mobility needs and quickly deploy solutions such as the 360° Mobility offer directly contribute to reducing CO2 emissions while optimising costs and meeting the evolving expectations of new generations of employees.

*Mobility as a Service